Drug Sale Charges
It is illegal, under §11703 of the California Health and Safety Code, to market illegal controlled substances. This is referring to the possession for sale, sale, or distribution of illegal substances. There are four different levels of offense regarding drug sale or intent to sell:
- Level 1 Offense: Involves less than 4 ounces of an illegal controlled substance for sale or intent to sell. This also includes 25-50 plants, more than 28.5 grams, and up to four pounds of marijuana.
- Level 2 Offense: Possessing anywhere from 4-8 ounces, 1-2 ounces of a specified illegal controlled substance, 50-75 plants, more than 28.5 grams, and 1-5 pounds of marijuana.
- Level 3 Offense: Possessing 8-16 ounces for sale or 2-4 ounces of another specified illegal controlled substance, 75-100 plants, possession for sale of 8-16 pounds, or sale or furnishing of 5-10 pounds of marijuana.
- Level 4 Offense: Possession for sale of 16 ounces or more of, or the sale or furnishing of four ounces of a specified illegal controlled substance, 100 or more plants, possession for sale of 16 pounds or sale of more than 10 pounds of marijuana.
Whether you have prior drug-related convictions or not, you could still face serious jail time for the possession of drugs with intent to sell or the actual sale of drugs.
Orange County Possession for Sale Attorney
If you have been charged with drug sale or possession with intent to sell, it is very important that you contact a lawyer you can trust. There are many ways that people can be defended when facing these charges in order that each client who comes to us receives the justice they deserve. You can still have confidence even though you are being accused of drug crimes, knowing that you have a legal team behind you with ample experience in criminal defense.
Our Orange County criminal defense attorneys at The Law Office of Bruce Bridgman will never be in over their heads when dealing with any drug crimes case. Choosing our legal team to represent you means that you have someone advocating for you who knows the legal system and knows about drug possession. You shouldn't be intimidated by your charges, even if they are drug-related, and thankfully, you don't have to be.